guest experience

From handpicked coaches to world-class equipment, Locus Retreats is more than a wellness holiday.

We have crafted the experience that we were looking for, one where we can indulge our training goals, as well as our social, nutritional, sleep & wellness aspirations

The Locus experience is one where you do not have to compromise.

Amazing training & coaches, beautiful hotel, unique area & incredible community.


a typical training day


7:00am Morning Movement
8:00am Breakfast
9:30am Training
11:00am Chillout / Pool time
1:00pm Lunch
3:00pm Training
6:00pm Transport to town (if desired)


a typical activity day


7:00am Morning Movement
8:00am Breakfast
9:00am Bus leaves for activity
1:00pm Lunch (off-site)
3:30pm Training
6:00pm Transport to town (if desired)


and including …

Welcome BBQ
Farewell Dinner
Partnership with local beach club
Options for additional offsite activities, dinner, shopping & markets


contact us

Locus Retreats is operated by a small and dedicated team of founders. We are here to answer any questions and curiosities that you might have. Our curated experiences are designed for you to have the best possible adventure, and that means working with you at every stage. We look forward to hearing from you and sharing an adventure with you soon!


Our Office

Locus Retreats
Västra Örnvägen 16
23642 Höllviken

Phone: +45 5353 4298